When you buy a new car, the initial purchase price does not include taxes, license or registration fees, maintenance or insurance – all of which can add up to a significant expense. The same dynamic applies to CAD and Product Data Management (PDM) software.
In this guide, you’ll learn about the hidden ongoing expenses associated with file-based desktop engineering software, including:
Software Licenses & Floating License Taxes
Annual Software Maintenance Feed
Consulting Fees for PDM Implementation and Data Migration
Hardware Costs: High-Performance CAD Workstations, Servers and Networking Equipment
Efficiency and Opportunity Costs
You’ll also compare the benefits of traditional file-based CAD and PDM versus cloud-native Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) platforms, and how these differences will positively impact your total cost of ownership.
Get your copy of “Sticker Shock: The Invisible Costs of CAD” today and find out what you might be missing when buying product development software. Your CFO will thank you.